Reconstruction treatment
and adds shine

This extraordinary technology works to rebuild the hair’s cuticle and smooth them together.
The synergistic action of Aloe Vera and Argan Oil in the REBUILDING SERUM, recompacts the hair cuticle and boosts the KERATIN ACTIVATOR, which reconstructs and repairs damaged hair for soft, silky hair from the very first application.
Grazie a questa straordinaria tecnologia le squame del capello vengono ricostruite e si compattano tra di loro cementificandosi.
L’azione sinergica di Aloe vera ed Olio d’Argan, contenuti nel SIERO RICOSTRUTTORE, è in grado di ricompattare la cuticola capillare e dà impulso all’ATTIVATORE CHERATINICO che ricostruisce e ripara i capelli danneggiati per una chioma morbida e setosa sin dalle prime applicazioni.

How to apply
Lialysse Hair Reconstruction Treatment
Rebuilding Serum and Keratin Activator: two steps to revitalising your damaged hair.
After shampooing, mix both
vials in a non-metallic bowl.
Mix for about 2 minutes
until you have a smooth cream.
Apply to towel-dried hair
along the whole length and leave to work for 3 minutes.
Rinse well,
pat dry.